Fun Friday Resources

I seem to be doing a lot of archival/archaeological work in my study these days, and our resources this week reflect that: They’re links I’ve been holding on to for quite a while, and I’m doing a bit of house cleaning.

One of these links is so old that the website is no longer active! UbuWeb shut down this year but remains an archive “in perpetuity.” It was generally obscure in its purpose, essentially a grab-bag of the avant-garde in all its manifestations, and its About page is hardly easy reading, but you might want to look it over.

So why am I offering you this weird place? Because there are some really bizarre, fun, lovely things if you know where to look or just stumble onto them. For example:

…and tons more. Go, explore.

1927 Travel poster to Bergamo, Italy, from the L.A. Public Library digital collections

How about something ridiculous? APost is just a celebrity gossip site, but years ago I stumbled on their Which Weird National Day Falls on Your Birthday? and it’s still up. Go check out your personal holiday! (For a more comprehensive site, check out

Here’s a niche resource: TESSA, the digital collections of the Los Angeles Public Library, with nearly 140,000 items for you to pore over. The movie posters are a lot of fun.