Reconfiguring the past

Anything that I created on my computer since September 2, 2019, is gone. Thankfully I was able to retrieve everything before that, or you might not ever have heard from me again. (Isolation does terrible things to a soul, amirite?)

So now not only am I able to face the future, I can set about reconfiguring the last eight months of my life. I have not had time to double-check everything I might need to update/recreate, but here’s a short list off the top of my head:

  • final edits to the text of Lichtenbergianism for Kids

  • the entire text of my as-yet-unnamed children’s book, which fortunately I had printed out to read to my fellow Lichtenbergians one night on Zoom and left lying around

  • all of the music for As You Like It, although I’m afraid some of that is gone forever, and even worse the production’s return is extremely unlikely at this point

  • various macros in Keyboard Maestro that I won’t know are gone until I try to use them; easy fix, though

  • a couple of cocktail recipes, but those will be either on my other blog or in my cocktail notebook

  • any final documents/preparations for last fall’s Alchemy; on the whole, that becomes just missing historical documentation

All in all, that’s not a lot, is it? Rather an indictment on my lack of productivity, if one chose to think in those terms. Luckily, we Lichtenbergians are all about 1) TASK AVOIDANCE; and 2) SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION.

Or in other words, Better luck last time.