Lizard decorating, part 4

An exciting turn of events in the lizard decorating department! No, the new colors of Testors enamel haven’t come in — that won’t be until next week, so brace yourself for no new lizard decorating news for a while after today. Hold that thought.

After playing with my new brushes last week, practicing with old gouache, I realized I needed to do a little work with the enamel paint on a metal surface — enamel behaves very differently than gouache, and a metal surface is more difficult than watercolor paper. Also, I had questions about how the colors I had on hand would look on the green-ish background.

Step one, prep a metal surface with the same paints I used on the lizard:


Then do the same kinds of lines and dots and spirals that I did with the gouache:


Try for some detail (stealing directly from one of my Oaxacan lizards):


Not as clean as I need it to be, of course. More work is required. As expected, the liquidity of the enamel means that the differences between the smaller brushes is nil, and that the actual painting is going to be painstaking and tedious.

I decided I needed a couple more colors, probably a darker/brighter blue and maybe a lime green? And then, while deciding on which colors to order online, I was offered by The Algorithm a chance to buy GLOW-IN-THE-DARK PAINT. It arrived yesterday.


Yes, it is translucent, which means that I’ll be able to use it on top of selected spirals and dots, and after a day in the sun, it will…


… GLOW IN THE DARK! TURN, TURN, KICK TURN, YES, IT WILL WORK!! (Unless it washes off in the rain… More work is required.)