Slogging on...

At the risk of turning this blog into a diary about my daily output…

Young Person’s Guide

Yesterday I did an edit-through of A Young Person’s Guide to Lichtenbergianism: procrastination as a creative strategy (formerly known as Lichtenbergianism for Kids). My goal was to realign my writing to the recently redefined audience of late middle school/high school readers.

It wasn’t as bad as I thought. Most of my edits will be graphic, changing the title of the book, that kind of thing.

For those who care about process, I do these kinds of edit-throughs on a printout, i.e., paper and pencil, because it literally leaves a paper trail. It allows me time for GESTALT, to decide whether or not I like the change before making it permanent in the computer file.

As you can see in the image to the left, I highlight edits so that I can see them quickly when I go through to make the changes permanent.

It’s in the same vein that I recommend using paper WASTE BOOKS over computer applications. Doing it by hand is a different mental process than typing it, and it enters your brain a different way.


I took the day off. Ableton Live is the most abstruse, non-intuitive piece of software I have ever used, and I say that having done payroll in ADP and maintained websites using Drupal. I’ll be back on my quest to learn the software later today. Maybe.

20-2-2 Project

This one is a back burner project, since I can’t really plan or implement anything until the Powers That Currently Are make some decisions about an Event Committee for Alchemy, which in turn must decide whether we’re having a burn and when. For the time being, I just file away any inspiration that crosses my path.

And that’s where we are. (I do have one more project, but it’s not a real thing yet. I’m waiting to hear back from people.)