/All in all, not bad at all. We had a couple of challenges: Chas was out for a pre-scheduled absence; Chuck was sick. But we made it through in three hours, which is not horrible for a first runthrough. That time will drop significantly with each pass.
I’m not going to go through the entire show, so let’s just do some bullet points:
Lines remain an issue, of course, but I’m not too worried on that count. As several actors realized last night, no one is coming to save them if they screw up.
BEST PRACTICE: Skip to the next line in the speech that you know; conversely, if your partner goes up, skip to your next line.
ALSO BEST PRACTICE: If you screw up, don’t cycle back in your head to fix it. Forget about it. Focus on nailing the next bit.
The songs are still not where we need them to be, despite last night’s stellar showing.
The majority of the show is just fine, better than fine, really really good in fact. All my notes are picayune adjustments: word emphases, line inflections, blocking fixes.
The “Titles from As You Like It” project is a hoot. We should post these in the lobby.
The slo-mo Gigue is a disaster and it’s my fault. We will fix that tonight.