One down...

... maybe ten musical pieces to go?


I've had two separate "commissions" recently: 1) a jingle for Newnan Theatre Company's production of Kitchen Witches; and 2) RED DRESS, what I'm calling a ballet even though there's more to it than that, for Southern Arc Dance.

The jingle is done, and although it's not as cheesy as I thought it should be, it's finished.  Here, have a listen:

As for RED DRESS...

I have four separate ABORTIVE ATTEMPTS started.  I will present them without titles or explanation and only minimal apology, because that's the whole point of ABORTIVE ATTEMPTS, isn't it?

Yes, I should be embarrassed to let anyone hear these—they're terrible, and they expose my shortcomings as an amateur composer to the entire world.  But it's important that you are disillusioned about the creative process: there's no such thing as an artist who starts at the beginning and then just writes his/her way through to the end.  We call that the King of Hearts Fallacy (after the character in Alice in Wonderland) and it's a deadly trap to let yourself fall into.

Besides, won't you be super-impressed when the finished product is so much better than these snippets?

In book news, I'm slowly getting in my readers' responses and making adjustments to the text of Lichtenbergianism: procrastination as a creative strategy.  I'm also playing around with layout, but that's another blog post for another day.  At the moment, I'm seeing a mid-September publication date.