Fun Friday Resources

Because you never know when you might need a Moral Thermometer from the 1840s, or diagrams of the human torso, or placards demonstrating acupressure techniques in Chinese, bookmark the National Institute of Health's Images from the History of Medicine.

Or maybe you need an image of a musical instrument: head for Musical Instrument Museums Online. (Because, honestly, when you have to know exactly what a hurdy-gurdy made by Jean-Nicolas Lambert in 1759 looks like, you have an honest-to-Cthulhu information need.)

Or maybe you have a hankering to watch some great artists at work. STEAL FROM THE BEST!

And finally, to link with a blog post I wrote over at my personal blog about teaching how to approach primary source documents, here's's list of primary sources online.  (They also give links to other fantastic sources.) 

That should give you plenty to use for your TASK AVOIDANCE.