Fun Friday Resources
/We’re back! This week’s Fun Friday Resources is a random grab-bag of stuff, mostly tabs in my browser that I’ve left open to “harvest” resources.
1925’s The Lost World. Rawr.
Looking for a way to practice your TASK AVOIDANCE? The Public Domain Movies site would be an excellent start.
I mean, you’ve always meant to watch The Devil Bat (1940) or The Ten Commandments (1923), right?
And what’s with Primitive Lover (1922) or Kirk Douglas in… The Big Trees (1952)?
Have fun.
Need birds? The Audubon Society has you covered, with more than 400 hi-res images of J.J.’s prints, and mp3s of the birds’ calls. I especially like the menu item for state birds—it’s the kind of thing I would link to on Newnan Crossing Elementary's media center web interface. (Although “ferruginous thrush” is not what we call our state bird in Georgia, J.J.)
Finally, as we head into impeachment and another election cycle, you will need all the fact-checking you can get. The website Make Use Of has a good article on the eight best fact-checking sites, and you should bookmark it now.