Fun Friday Resources

If you are not familiar with Austin Kleon’s work, you need to be. His three books (Steal Like an Artist, Show Your Work, and Keep Going) are truly inspirational. Unlike me, he blogs every day, and if you’re lazy like me, you subscribe to his weekly newsletter to catch up all at once. (You can do the same with this blog.)

Here are two blog posts in which he encourages you to make crap, i.e., ABORTIVE ATTEMPTS:

And you guys thought I just made that up. Maybe you’ll listen to the famous, talented guy? Make crap! (You may have noticed that he promotes STEALING FROM THE BEST, too. It’s almost as if the creative process is a thing, you know?)

I stole this video from Boing Boing, and I’m sharing it here because it’s a great way to be jealous of someone who is multi-talented and who has an incredible amount of space he can dedicate to his work. I had never heard of Brian Chippendale because “noise rock” is definitely not my thing, but I like watching artists work, plus he’s genial and charming about his career. (I think it’s interesting how many of our popular musicians were art students. And how many have PhD’s.)