Fun Friday Resources

My two main resources this week are not very entertaining, but you may find them useful.

First up, the Digital Defense website, which bills itself as “The Ultimate Personal Security Checklist.” It’s a bit overwhelming, with 258 tasks in twelve categories, but it’s smart to be informed. (The tasks are leveled into Essential, Optional, and Advanced, so you have the option not to do all 258.)

The second is Surveillance Self-Defense by the Electronic Freedom Foundation. It covers some of the same territory as Digital Defense, but extends the concepts into free speech areas like protests.

As a treat/reward, have a YouTube channel called Literary Classics, full-length movies based on famous literary works like The Snows of Kilimanjaro or Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. At the moment there are 79 films there, and that number is more than the last time I looked, so it’s a growing, curated collection.

If I haven’t recommended recently, go check it out.

Do something fun. MAKE THE THING THAT IS NOT. Bring something beautiful into this corner of the multiverse.