Fun Friday Resources Returns!

I have no excuse for not having written our weekly Fun Friday Resources post since… last September? I can’t even think of a reason why I stopped. It’s not as if I haven’t been collecting those resources all along — I just haven’t shared them with you.


Other than the skills I have no interest in, I’ve done it all, surprising no one.

Do you like getting gold stars on your homework? Do you work extra hard if there’s a merit badge or extra cookie involved? Then maybe Maker Skill Trees are for you!

You start at the bottom and color in each skill you’ve accomplished — if not mastered — and see how many you’ve done. It’s a fun way to measure yourself and maybe give yourself some new goals to shoot for.

There are charts for all manner of making, from cocktails to knitting to house building to coding. And if your favorite skill is not there, there’s also a template for you to make your own tree.

Do you have a need for vintage images? Try the Century Library’s collection of free images. (They also have premium items for sale.)

Since it’s my birthday this weekend, have a spectacularly weird taurus!

Speaking of images, if you’re an artist who is concerned about your work being scraped up by one or more AI bots without your permission, then go check out Nightshade and Glaze, two apps that will “poison” your online art so that if it’s stolen by AI, it will wreck the AI’s process and make your work unusable to it (and poison the AI’s knowledge base in the process).

Awesome — we’re back on track with our Fun Friday Resources. Enjoy!

A reminder that I am recruiting collaborators for the world premiere of William Blake’s Inn in March 2025. Read about that here and email me if you’re interested.