Fun Friday Resources

From this morning’s perusal of Mastodon, comes the Ethical Book Search, for when you don’t want to feed the behemoth Amazon. It will find booksellers around the world “who are much more responsible than some of their less reputable competitors and enabling you to search them all with one click.”

(There was one review of Lichtenbergianism: procrastination as a creative strategy that amused me, which essentially said, “some good ideas in here between all the other stuff.” Well, okay then, smiley face emoji.)

There’s also, which is one of the two URLs I post when begging people to buy my book. (Soon to be books, plural.)

If you're anywhere Newnan, GA, you owe it to yourself to come see this!

Since I have a show opening tonight, I’m going to go with gentle, relaxing, uplifting resources today. Here’s one: You Can Only Visit This Site Once. Just head over there. Think a moment.

Generally I am incurious about most “conceptual art,” but R. Eric McMasters’s work is fascinating. Explore.

Does anyone really need another “here’s a fun/beautiful thing” aggregator? I think you do: This Is Colosssal. Gorgeously designed, and nicely curated. Art!

And finally, fix your life with these 100 tips. They’re actually pretty useful and the post is wittily written. You can thank me later.