My To-Do List

I’m fine. I’m fine, I’m totally fine, I’m totally under control…

When I was assistant program director of the Georgia Governor’s Honors Program (in charge of instruction) and subsequently director, faculty and staff would sometimes ask me how things were going, and I would reply, “Fine — as far as you know.”

So yes, I’m fine.

It’s all good stuff, but it’s stuff that has to be done. So allow me to perform some TASK AVOIDANCE by listing it all here:

  • Get a press release for Every Brilliant Thing out the door

  • Create physical manifestations for the ≈400 submissions to the Brilliant List

    • Sort the submissions into approximate stages of the narrator’s life and assign appropriate number ranges. After all, a seven-year-old would not have written “Being there for the birth of my grandchild.”

    • As if any audience member would look at the hundreds of scattered pieces of paper at the end of the show and think to themselves, “Hey, these numbers don’t line up.”

  • Get the program for EBT prepared.

  • Set up all the sound cues in QLab so that I’m not fumbling with keyboard blunders in Apple Music.

  • Continue prototyping the construction for my Large Art Burn, Rage Against the Night.

    • This involves drilling holes in either end of four-foot segments of saplings, threading rope through the holes, then convincing them to form — and remain in — an arch.

  • Clean up the labyrinth so that I can host the EBT team after the final matinee in a couple of weeks. (And probably the entire house, if I know my Lovely First Wife.)

  • Do the final edit for Young Person’s Guide to Lichtenbergianism and get it to my publisher. (You might think that this would be tops on the list.)

  • And as of 8:00 a.m. today, assemble my new work cart in situ, roll it down the steep driveway to the back, and somehow summon the strength to hoist the drill press onto it.

    • Yes, I got the drill press working. Huzzah.

    • My Lovely First Wife quivered with delight when I told her that I would be able to stow all my tools/bolts/stuff in the work cart rather than on the floor by the basement door.

It could be worse. I could be faced with ramping up William Blake’s Inn even as I have to do all this. ::sigh::


Because I know you care, here’s the fully assembled cart, with drill press (healed).

And immediately other items take its place on the list.

  • Create a mini-effigy to burn at the after-party for EBT, since #13 in the script is “Burning things.”

  • Explore both Dorico and MuseScore as replacements for Finale.

    • This can very well wait until after Every Brilliant Thing is over.

  • Figure out what to cook for supper.

  • Scritch the good and deserving Assistive Feline™.
