Fun Friday Resources

Making the Thing That Is Not is human, as in, we are compelled to create: art, music, cocktails, you name it. For a profound example, go check out the elaborate website tour of the cave art at Pech Merle. This is just one example of the primal impulse we all share to create. There has never been a society without art.

It is worth noting as well that humans have always used art to connect with what I’m going to call the Universal Spirit. Cave drawings didn’t happen because that’s where people lived; they were apparently drawn in a spiritual setting, often with herbal enhancements of the experience. Researchers have found that the animals in cave art seem to move when lit by the flickering lights available to our ancestors. (Herbal enhancement optional, but I’m sure it helped.)

If you decided, upon reading a Fun Friday Resource from a couple of weeks ago, to join Mastodon, you may be wondering how to find your tribe. One way is to go check out the Trunk for the Fediverse. This site lists categories, and in each category are people who have submitted their Mastodon accounts for you to check out and follow (if you find their stream to be what you like).

For something just silly and fun, check out the Shakespeare insult generator. Since my next (and currently only) project with Lacuna Group is next April’s Ultimate Shakespeare Smackdown, I thought we might use this as training for a flyting segment of the evening.