Fun Friday Resources
/Happy New Year!
My best-laid plans to schedule redux posts for while I was traipsing up and down the Nile and then get back to work the day after went muy agley when I developed Flu A upon my return. No, I didn’t sniff mummy dust, I masked continually, and I was vaccinated before I left. I’ve been recuperating with my good and deserving Assistive Feline™, Abigail, as my nearly constant attendant, occasionally assisted by her neurodivergent stepbrother Cecil the Pest™, and now my brain is sufficiently back on this plane to fire off a blog post.
Welcome back!
Since it’s the New Year, let’s take our annual look at those cultural treasures that have finally made it into the public domain, that is, you may now use these freely as you will. No one owns the rights to them any longer, and you can play/produce/mangle them any way you like, even for money.
N.B.: The law is very much more complicated than that, and while the above paragraph is true enough for the items you’re about to peruse, do read Duke Law’s material about the slippery nature of the whole thing.
Go check it out at Duke Law’s annual roundup of the loot.
Yes, the Skeleton Dance now free for you to molest as you please!
So much good stuff, and not a moment too soon.
Also new to the world is the Public Domain’s Image Archive, which collects over 10,000 out-of-copyright images from their even bigger collection of material, in a searchable database. Take my advice: Opt for the “Infinite View” for your first visit. Whoa, dude!
So, Happy New Year — and STEAL FROM THE BEST!