Lichtenbergian Proposed Efforts 2023
/We had the Lichtenbergian Society Annual Meeting last night, and as longtime readers know, the central RITUAL in the evening’s agenda is 1) having our Proposed Efforts for the past year read out to us from the record book and accounting for what we did or did not accomplish; and 2) recording our P.E. for the coming year.
Here’s my report on mine.
Proposed Efforts for 2022
The Young Person’s Guide to Lichtenbergianism
I finished revising YPGtL and set it aside. I put it out there for people to download and review if they liked... and no one took me up on it (that I’m aware of). I might just go ahead and pull the trigger and publish it.
We installed GALAXY at Alchemy 2022 in October, and it was fabulous. It was also fragile, with disoriented hippies tripping and breaking it within hours of installation. More work is required with Chief Engineer Turff.
As for my stint at Benevolent Placement Overlord™, the actual laying out of the burn was hellatious since we were back at Cherokee Farms in LaFayette, GA, and I wasn’t familiar enough with the land to make decisions I was 100% sure about. However, once the camps started rolling in, the hippies were overjoyed with their placement. It was, in everyone’s estimation, a phenomenal burn. I can pass the torch.
Midsummer Night’s Dream hybrid production
Paulo Manso de Sousa, of Southern Arc Dance, has invited me to work with him on a ballet of Midsummer Night’s Dream, a hybrid of dance and theatre. We met several times to discuss ideas, potential venues, etc.
Waste art supplies
I was supposed to explore with abandon some art stuff/things that involve recyclable/inexpensive materials. I didn’t really do it.
I composed nothing
Backstreet checkout system
Down at Backstreet Arts, I have designed the checkout system, with barcodes and everything. Now all I have to do is catalog and input a huge stack of donated books.
Reconfigure the study
My study is a huge room, occupying most of the attic over the older part of our house, and it’s nearly full of stuff.
It’s still full of stuff. Maybe 2023…
Project 20-2-2
This was supposed to be my next big art project for the burn. Instead, my brain decided that the March from the Dark Side would be better. And it was. Aided and abetted by Shane Garner in the design/construction/promotion phase, and then led by Duff Stoneson at the burn, the March generated a small but enthusiastic crowd — and even more enthusiasm in the audience to participate themselves next year.

Proposed Efforts for 2023
We started this past Saturday with a Shakespeare workshop for some of the young dancers from Southern Arc. Performances will begin Sat, Apr 15.
Writer’s Group
The Backstreet Arts Writer’s Group actually will start back up tomorrow morning — not that I had anything to do with that. Former members have decided to embarrass me into starting back by announcing they’re doing it themselves.
March from the Dark Side
The excitement engendered by the March at Alchemy 2022 encourages me to work with my co-leads Duff and Shane to promote it earlier and more heavily. I’d love for it to become as much a part of Alchemy as Burn Night itself.
Unsilent Night Newnan
I dropped the ball on publicity/recruitment this year. (Things got hectic starting in August; I was busy.) Next year I want to try to recruit “squad leaders” who will in turn recruit groups of people to attend the event with them. I want us to have 100 people (or more) with lanterns and boomboxes.
Revisit old compositions
I’ve already updated all the Finale files so that I don’t lose those to upgrades. (I should also print them out to be on the safe side.)
Just last week I made myself crack open the #AbortiveAttempts for Ten Little Waltzes, and I finished “Little Waltz G.” I will work on that suite, plus maybe a piece for violin and cello at the behest of my cello teacher, plus (maybe) Seven Dreams of Falling if I can track down Scott Wilkerson and see if he’s willing to finish the libretto.
I need to get off my lazy ass and get back to blogging, both here and over at (So far, so good…)