Today in whimsical ideas

artists log.jpg

About a week ago, I cast a sleepy eye onto the local paper, which was lying on the table facing away from me, i.e., upside down.  And there in all caps was the header


Wow, I thought, that's amazing!

And then my vision cleared and I realized I was actually reading


Oh.  Well.  Never mind, then.

But can you imagine what our world would be like if the newspaper found and published the daily travails of those of us who Make the Thing That Is Not as eagerly as they do the doings of the criminal set?

I'm thinking I need to style my Twitter feed as a small-town ARTISTS LOG:

On Sunday, March 25, Dale Lyles, author, began work on his next book, the subject of which is rumored to be his original cocktails.

This is where the comments section is useful: what would your LOG entry look like?