I need your help
/Good morning, world wide people/Twitter/Facebook/random guy! I need you to be my scenius.
As you already know, I am the author of Lichtenbergianism: procrastination as a creative strategy, a 122-page book about the creative process. (There are also some appendices, but no one reads those, right?)
You may also know that I began to write Lichtenbergianism for Kids last year. It’s been in ABANDONMENT for a while, but something is urging me to pick it back up and try to finish it.
This is where you come in.
You can download the first chapter/intro to Lichtenbergianism for Kids here. Read it. Give it to a kid to read. Give it to several kids to read. (If you’re a teacher and would like to engage your class(es) in a direct conversation with an author, let me know—I was a media specialist at the high school and the elementary levels.)
Questions that you can answer either here in comments or directly to me via email:
What age level do you think this is aimed at? What age level should it be aimed at?
Does it interest a creative kid? Do they want to read more?
What needs to be added? What needs to be cut? (GESTALT)
What is unclear?
Should I finish this book?
And… go!