Another waltz, almost

I really didn’t have anything to write about today and so — ignoring the fact that I could, you know, just not write anything today — I decided to rummage through my ABORTIVE ATTEMPTS for “Ten Little Waltzes” and hammer on that until I had something to write about.

At this point I need to remind you and emphasize that I am in no way a trained composer. I am a musician: flutist in high school, a little piano, now sawing my way through cello lessons, choral conductor, etc… But I’ve never sat through all the theory and composition classes that “real” composers have.

Instead, I plop out an ABORTIVE ATTEMPT, then listen to it obsessively to see what needs to be done to it (GESTALT), and then start making SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATIONS until it sounds like something a “real” composer would have written to begin with.

This particular waltz, “Invitation,” may be finished, for all I know. There are some bits that I’m still unsure of, one of which I had right where I wanted it when Finale crashed (thanks, MakeMusic!) and I haven’t been able to GESTALT my way back to what I had. That’s how untrained I am.

So here it is, 01. Invitation:

Score available here.

(For those keeping score, that’s now four out of ten waltzes done. Or almost. You can find them all over at my other website.)

Later: Apologies to anyone who followed the links to the mp3 and the score — I had uploaded them to the wrong folder on

A reminder that Lacuna Group will host an information session about William Blake’s Inn on Sunday, August 25, 2:00–4:00 p.m., at Southern Arc Dance. We will run through the music, discuss the collaborative approach we intend to use to design the show, and answer questions about the whole shebang.