Not much to report
/In which I am not at all embarrassed to report on how little I got done this week…
Read MoreIn which I am not at all embarrassed to report on how little I got done this week…
Read MoreIn which I post a few sentences so everyone knows I’m trying to compose a thing…
Read MoreIn which I link to David Moldawer’s ‘The Maven Game’ for a post that is a challenge and a rebuke for us amateur creatives…
Read MoreIn which I shamelessly self-promote one of my oldest (and loveliest) surviving musical works…
Read MoreIn which I begin the final concept of a plan to build a Large Art Burn for Alchemy...
Read MoreIn which I applaud Pixar for their adoption of Lichtenbergian Precepts... six years before the book was published...
Read MoreIn which I share a new waltz (from “Ten Little Waltzes”) and don’t even whine too much about the process…
Read MoreIn which I begin ABORTIVE ATTEMPTS for my Large Art Burn, Rage Against The Night…
Read MoreIn which I once again am asking you to ignore the King of Hearts…
Read MoreWelcome to Lichtenbergianism, where you can find your creative energy through procrastination!
Lichtenbergianism: procrastination as a creative strategy is available from Amazon and independent booksellers.
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