Fun Friday Resources

It’s been a slow week, crammed with too many Things To Get Done, and even more to do today, so today’s offerings are what they are.

This is a good article on reclaiming city streetscapes with greenery: Sidewalk Garden. What the author has done is probably outside the means of most of us, but start small (like he did) and work your way up to transforming your city into a forest. The article is really complete, with a list of plants, questions about costs and time, etc.

The British Museum has a Flickr account full of wonderful albums: Castles, Fashion & Costume, Dancing, and of course, Cats. Way more, of course, though there do seem to be some broken links.

Here’s a niche offering: soil-based watercolors. I keep having to remind myself that I don’t need them I don’t need them I don’t need them. But you might.

This one has been sitting in my file for a long time, and I’m not sure what I would use it for, but labels itself as “your fractal thinking tool.” It’s more or less a brainstorming tool. It’s free and has some potential as an outliner.

Okay, time to go Do Some Things.