An announcement

I have decided, with no small amount of regret, not to proceed with the world premiere of William Blake’s Inn.

Yesterday I held the information session for anyone interested in working on WBI. No one attended. My friend Jobie drove down from Lawrenceville, and Richard arrived as we were packing up, but otherwise there was no interest in the project.

I’d like to thank those who encouraged me in this; their support was the only reason I dared hope that this time we’d pull it off. Paulo and Will out at Southern Arc Dance Center are amazingly generous. Kim at Backstreet Community Arts always has my back. Jenn Enderlin, whose enthusiasm for the music convinced me it might be possible, I actually do not hold a grudge against. As we say at our house, quoting Hemingway, “Isn’t it pretty to think so?”

The piece is still available for production, if anyone out there is interested. I am more than willing to assist you if you decide it’s worth the challenge. (It’s worth the challenge.) But I will not be taking on the job of creating a producing organization ex nihilo.

In the good news column:

  • Every Brilliant Thing continues to go well in rehearsal. Alexis Colon Ortiz is going to blow you away with his performance. Performances: Sep 13/14/15 at Southern Arc Dance. Tickets here. Add to the Brilliant List here.

  • Molly McInturff — headed to her first performance off-Broadway — has finally turned in her assignment: the foreword to Young Person’s Guide to Lichtenbergianism, which means that it will be headed to a bookstore near you in the very near future! (Her essay is quite brilliant. You’ll have to buy the book to read it.)