No new music yet.
/Technically, there is new music. I played around with my über-Romantic coda theme to see if it would serve as Cecil’s theme in my new orchestral suite — I think it will work — but mostly I struggled to get up to speed on basic note insertion in MuseScore and Dorico.
Neither is easy. Both require too many clicks to do simple tasks. I know there are keyboard shortcuts that I don’t know yet — again, a manual would be great. And maybe, Dorico, don’t hide your shortcuts card four or five clicks away from your basic Help page.
It has been my practice to blog each step of the way when I compose, basically to drive home the point that whatever loveliness a listener might hear when I’m finished was certainly not there when I started. I will do that with this piece, but I want to get a few SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATIONS done before exposing my inadequacies again.
I will persever.